For the intro I had my good pal Puro Tiger's Blood for his thoughts and description on Lure Division as he says "Love them. They have this great sound - layered, chorus soaked guitars and cassette tape quality that feels both like a nostalgic, undiscovered 80s indie act and at the same time is blooming with youth and sounds very now. It's great. Cold, drum pad beats warmed up with hopeful vocal melodies and washed out guitars. I want the band to get out into the world and just take it over already." This week's feature is Lure Division @luredivision

Who is Lure Division?
Lure Division is a solo artist named Jorge from the RGV.
How would you describe your sound?
The best way to describe my sound is probably dream pop
As he says "dream pop" I will agree with Tigers Blood and say there is certainly something "nostalgic" about the sound especially when I image this playing out of a CRT-TV filled with static. The Omnimovie cover art for album truly captures this perfectly.

I know Jorge mentioned "dream pop" what would probably fit his description when it comes to sound, but what would he say if he could give it his own name, his own genre? "if I could create a genre, I probably wouldn’t know what to name it, reason being I think I make a bunch of different sounds, I add elements of other styles of music, I wouldn’t know how to categorize it, but someone else probably could." Tigers Blood mentions "soaked guitars and cassette tape quality that feels both like a nostalgic" especially with the Melody and the vocals. You can easily lose yourself into the melody. I remember seeing Lure Division at Cine El Rey and that was a moment. I did not want that set to end especially with the Bad Acid cover by Diseasefreak. It was an amazing set!

What songs would you recommend to someone who hasn't listened to your music and why? "I could recommend Night Alive, since it is my most known song, but if I am being honest, I think the song I would show would be Omnimovie, being my favorite song off my catalog. the instrumental itself really expresses the feeling of letting go, and being free. It was such a cool song to make." Man, Night Alive is a certified Valley classic for real. I was going to recommend "Until You Heal", but that's the final song on the album so I'd say just listen to the whole Omnimovie album. "Until You Heal" just ends so beautifully with the distant pianos that I feels like I'm looking into a pool or out into a view of an ocean during golden hour.

Do you remember the first and most recent song you've created?
"The first song I created was called So Close, and my most recent song is titled Forever's End." What has changed since then? "A lot. I have learned a lot and grown as an artist. I’ve learned how to use the tools I have, other than that, I think the attitude has changed. a big thing is the bands and songs I took inspiration from has changed. I try to make songs you can make memories to, while sounding sad, I really don’t know." Looking through the Lure Division Tik Tok I found this comment by Jorge "you just gotta feel it bro." How do you feel when you listen to Forever's end? What has a Lure Division song evoked form you. While it does sound sad with the repeated lyrics of "don't leave" on Zenith and the way that it ends leading to the 2:15 min mark of these noises really ends it on this "ominous" feeling, but as it draws near the end it makes me feel like it's okay as it's leading back to what it sounds like "Night Alive" as the song ends.

You mention in a post "the ones u feel most insecure about can be your most appreciated" when it comes to Night Alive to which now you have the Omnimovie album. What can you say about this? How do you feel about your music?
"Night Alive was initially meant to be a throwaway, I had the instrumental made for months before I even did anything with it. I then wrote and recorded some vocals for it, but I was very insecure with how they sounded, I just decided to sit on the project for a couple months more. I posted a short clip of the instrumental on tiktok and it just took off. The videos I would post promoting the song would get an insane amount of views, and likes. The algorithm was really on my side. I then I finished the song, put it out, it did insane numbers first day, and is now my biggest song. And man I was in shock because I really was not planning anything with that song. It changed the way I view some of the unfinished projects I had." Wow a throwaway song that became a hit over night. I mean as artists it is our work and we are our own worst critics as people say. As the listener we just get the final product, but never know what goes on behind the scenes. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Is there anything about yourself that you put into the music itself?
"My lyrics are usually about me, and my life experiences. I just don’t make it too clear to tell. I like to leave details out to give the listener the ability to just interpret the lyrics for whatever it is they want. But a lot of what I say comes from what ever it is I’m feeling or going through at the moment. I throw in a lot of sounds that express my interest in analog equipment, for example, tape winding, tape static and all, or just old clips in VHS. I guess you can say that’s a part of me, I don’t know." I read on the Tik Tok comment that I mentioned earlier someone asked what the lyrics were to which Jorge said "you just gotta feel it bro." While Jorge says "I like to leave details out to give the listener the ability to just interpret." Jorge doesn't just speak with lyrics, but with the sound he puts out. The sound speaks and expresses the emotion just as much as what he is saying. For example the ending on "Until You Hear" those few seconds of the piano just says so much. The guitar on "Clear" on 3:24 then 3:28 hits and something new comes up. These are the little details just add so much more.

What can you tell us about your process when it comes to creating a song? Do you mind explaining? "I usually take the time to create a whole project around a theme. I like to create with an idea in mind, a memory, a movie, or just a general feeling. it helps build the project, and gives it character." How did the Omnimovie project come to be? "Omnimovie came about when I was messing around with one of my old VHS cameras, its an Omnimovie model from Panasonic. I loved that name, Omnimovie. It just sounds cool, and I think that title itself has character. I built the whole project with that in mind. How much I love analog video, and how it just adds so much to a moment or memory rather than recording with a phone, or digital camera. I record out a lot at night, with my friends. There's a weird feeling I get when I’m doing that, a good feeling, holding a camera on my shoulder that was made In the 80s. Just doing that is a very odd, but good feeling. I wouldn’t know what to call it but whatever it is, that’s the feeling I tried to capture making Omnimovie." Omnimovie is the name of a Panasonic camera? That's pretty cool. As I read this I really thought about the art cover for the album, the title, the sound, and the imagery. Every time I listen to album my mind always goes back to the album cover. Especially if I'm driving at night and the album plays it just hits. All that was mentioned by Jorge really ties in to theme and the interests he has. This album is definitely a moment/experience.
Do you have any favorite tracks off of Omnimovie if so which ones and why?
"My favorite song off the album has to be either Zenith or Omnimovie. I think they both just make you feel free, they both have a high energy, yet feel dark at the same time. I live at night man, that’s mainly what you’ll hear if you listen to my songs." Zenith from the title itself reminds me of my dad. He worked at a Zenith company growing up and we have an old Zenith TV in the garage with a knob that you pull to turn it on along with a number pad to change the channels. It still works also. Listening to Zenith makes me happy, but with the "don't leave" it reminds me of the memories I have. The memories I won't let go. With the ominous sound near the end that gears up to positive as the song ends. Zenith hits hard for me.
What does the Omnimovie album mean to you? What does it evoke out of you?
"Omnimovie means the world to me. It feels like It will always have a huge place in my heart, it will always make me tear up a bit, considering I’ve never put so much time and thought into anything like this. I feel very proud of it, being the only project titled Omnimovie out in the world, its got a bunch of different sounds, some different voices in there, different meanings to all the songs. I get a little emotional talking about it, its a huge part of me." Of course man, It's your project and you really put it out there for everyone to listen to. It takes a lot especially considering Night Alive was a throwaway to it being on the album. The album varies in its sound and expression. A Omnimovie Panasonic camera can hold so much, can capture more than just sight and sound. It captures a moment. Looking forward to what comes next!

How are you feeling about playing at sauce house this week? Any thoughts?
"Im excited man, taking a different approach to my live performances, went through a lot of changes when it came to my band, my sound. I think this is my best fit so far, and I’m excited to see how it all plays out. "
Anything you wish to say to those coming out "I think all I have to say to everyone that comes out is that I am appreciative of you all, and I just can’t wait to see everyone. Other than that, I’m excited to play alongside some sick bands."

Jorge shares his thoughts on the local valley scene,
I have seen some bands from the valley, and a lot of them are doing great. The community is very united and its pretty cool to see."

LURE DIVISION will be playing here tomorrow as well 2/9/23
LURE DIVISION - Sauce House - 2/11/23