Oh man Halloween is around the corner! I've been watching movies and playing games this month to celebrate. I'm trying to watch new movies than just the ones I personally enjoy such as Rec (2007), The Witch Blair Project, Suspiria, The Witch. These are some of the movies I re-watched this month I wanted to create this curation of movies chosen by the people within our local community to bring us something new. All within the spooky realm and within it's multiple genres. Along with just sharing what spooks us to what intrigues us about horror movies. It's one aspect of Halloween that I enjoy. (It was also a way for me for get recommendations for new movies) I will also be providing links to movies!
If you could recommend a spooky movie for Halloween what would it be and why?

Snu Glu - I’m having a hard time thinking of one but I think Evil Dead 2 cause like not only is it a classic but it’s like perfect for all the occasions I think? Like silly getting shit faced w your friends or if you want some real good gore. The practical effects slap!
Here is a link to the first Evil Dead (1981)

Kitty -The Void! Without giving much away, for fans of The Thing, some mystery/thriller elements and then a very unexpected twist! Great to watch with friends but not for those that get unsettled easily 😅 brace your belly & your mind!
The Void Full Movie

The Gremlin - Nightmare On Elm Street (1)
I couldn't find the first one, but here is the second one
Kewpiekatt - Monster House
https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2003024934 -> Link For Monster House
W4ston - Monster House and Caroline because of cool creepy animations
https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2005152929?bstar_from=bstar-web.ugc-video-detail.related-recommend.all -> link for Caroline
Notsohappygarbage- Halloween (1)
Michel - Rocky Horror Picture Show

Halfclearlungs - Ghost Stories (2017) https://tubitv.com/movies/684140/ghost-stories

Kinkielove - The Witch
JJazz.o - Oh lol hmmm there was this one movie I watched called the witch which was like in the pilgrim age and about a family who accused their daughter of being a witch it was honestly terrifying :p I really liked it because of the overall anxiety it gave me lol visually it wasn’t scary but the way the time frames worked it really left a lot of suspense :p
(I wanted to add the trailer for this since I couldn't find a link, BUT I feel as good as the trailer is...it may be giving away too much!)

Kolade - Hellraiser (2022) because it really captures the successful story elements from the several Hellraiser movies that have come out and puts them in a modern frame. These are less goofty explanations for how characters interact with what would be the source of horror. There is more consistency with what the horror is and what creates it.

Thea - Let The Right One In, but Swedish version! Because the cinematography is great. It's a horror movie exactly. Words can't explain the effort and art of it. I saw it 14 years ago and I still love it the same because it was just well created. When you watch it, hopefully you'll understand.
Killmori - I feel like any of the og slasher movies or paranormal stuff like Nightmare On Elm Street or amenity vile horror. Mainly because it could be nostalgic to some people.

Esai - I would recommend “Jacob’s Ladder” because of the surreal visuals that helped the inspire the art direction of the silent hill games, and it’s an incredibly sad story that sucked me into the world and stayed with me for a long time after seeing it. It's definitely a favorite of mine:)
Andafterthat - Saw movies are so fun. The Poughkeepsie Tapes is some crazy shit
Terrifier is goofy but freaky also. Final Destination series is a classic in my household
And obvs one of my fav The Blair Witch project.

NLSNVRGS - American Werewolf In London

Entre/Humbaeto - Hausu(1977)

Rogueprophet - Idol Hand

Clay Valley Studio -So we’d recommend hereditary 🙊 we both watched it for the first time together without any prior knowledge of what the movie was about and it was just super unsettling
DSQZBX - Hereditary has been a recent scare favorite. Toni Collette drew me in for a trip. The whole film was a trip and creepy. Have you seen it? It needs to be a dark setting and turn it up and listen to the storyline.
Worst Behavior - Yo! We’d probably go with Hereditary for like a modern scary movie and I really mess the Hellraiser too. The classic one and new one are soooolid
https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2009285099 -Hereditary
https://tubitv.com/movies/478798/hellraiser -> Hellraiser (1987)

Tunamansa - I would recommend Donnie darko!! Such a great story and concept. Love the music and cinematography aswell, not to mention it takes place in October and they have a Halloween party :)

Tree House Creative Studios - Splicer! It’s really good but also not what you’d expect
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I really enjoyed it

Alan - I’d have to go with Tetsuo: The iron Man (1989) was shot with almost no budget, a real embodiment of the diy movement and still with no budget they managed to create a real masterpiece
https://archive.org/details/tetsuo-the-iron-man -> Movie with Subs
Pillowsnake - I haven't been watching alot of movies lately, but I recommend either the Funhouse or Night at the Demon. Those 80s movies made me not wanna even go thru my VHS tapes as a kid cause of those covers lol I say those two cause they're classics but not super well known like Friday the 13th. Always a treat

Palm Tree Popsicle - Blood Quantum/Indie Zombie Survival

Nikkitaylor672 - Practical Magic

Lil Duende - I’d recommend one of my all time favorite psychological horror flicks “Pin” (1988) because it’s extremely slept on. Great acting , atmosphere and story about a psychotic teenager named Leon and his medical dummy friend named Pin.

Sauce House - Anything Rob Zombie

Vintage worm - Autopsy Of Jane Doe.
At the end of the movie I had chills from what I had seen the pop ups are great I love how eerie they made it
Bio Zombie
Danny - Ima have to say The Evil Dead and/or Dead Alive Or a Hong Kong film called Bio Zombie
Avi - Dead Alive, it's Cheesy scary

Glare - The Thing by John Carpenter, it’s a classic and weird
Face to Face - Ooo I would say The Thing by John Carpenter. The dog scene when the thing takes over it and it’s all animatronic freaks me out! Also the crawling head! Iconic! Good story all the way through and has some great effects in it.
Genesis - it would be between the Devils Backbone and Pans Lab, I love the Spanish horror gothic. If I had more time to think about it I’d have a few other lined up but those two are automatic to me. The Wolf House and Tigers Are Not Afraid were also on my list

Mya - Anything Time Burton
https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2003053189 -> Frankenweenie
https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2002435599 -> Corpse Bride

RGV Food Blog - Little Monsters
Puro Tigers Blood - Ernest Scared Stupid and Troll 2 not Halloween related but it's spooky. Bro ngl it's so bad that it's actually lit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NibeIdiIuI - Earnest Scared Stupid
Queenkillahbee - The Bride Of Chucky and The Crow

Joe Martin -The spooky movie I would recommend to watch is Shaun of the Dead.
Shaun of the Dead excels at humor and horror.
It finds the humor in how people are already living their lives as mindless zombies. As well having great comedy via dialogue, sight gags, relatable characters, and perfect timing.
It also shows the horror of life from working a dead end job, conflict with your significant other, and having trouble with your parents as the world gets torn apart in a zombie apocalypse. It has some of the best build ups for jump scares that don't feel cheap like in contemporary horror films.
You'll have a great time watching this movie no matter if you want to laugh, be scared or at times even feel emotional.

Milo - ooof this is hard !!! so many good choices. hm. my initial thought was Deathproof because every shot in it is so aesthetically pleasing and i love how strong they depict the women in the movie. but! it’s not necessarily incredibly spooky, soooo i’m leaning more towards the classic creepshow from 1982. to me it perfectly embodies the whole nostalgia of how Halloween felt to me growing up.
Just in-case the YouTube video gets removed

Diosdelghetto - If i could recommend a movie for Halloween i think it would be the movie REC (2007) it’s probably one of the better found footage horror movies since the blair witch (which i also love but that one feels a little too obvious of a pick !)
(I personally recommend Rec)

Zodistic - Halloween 1 Rob Zombie film (2007)
I love the way the producer Rob Zombie remade this film in his own way showing the same but also different story. Of a young Michael Myers.

Triptych97 - The Night Of The Living Dead! OG version tho Never seen it but love the concept of a b&w horror film
Armadillo - Oh most definitely the og "night of the living dead", such a classic for zombies and one of the first movies i ever saw with my dad so i feel like it was a nice in between for my dads generation and my own.

Alexandria - Anything Giallo like
(In Italian cinema, Giallo is a genre of mystery fiction and thrillers and often contains slasher, crime fiction, psychological thriller, psychological horror, sexploitation, and, less frequently, supernatural horror)

Isaiah Flowers - Killer clowns from outer space. That movie traumatized me as a kid. My grandma for some reason had a DVD copy of it and one day my cousin put it on and ever since then I hated clowns. Especially that scene where they would cover up the bodies in cotton candy and drink their blood with a straw. Till this day that DVD cover is still there

Alvaro - Not Halloween themed, but scary in a psychological way is Prisoners
Himarcus - hey! i would say ex-machina, suspiria (2018), black swan, and ex-machina. i don’t think black swan and ex-machina are traditional halloween/horror movies but they do have some qualities to it.

Necio BBY - i would recommend terrifier,
it’s really good and uneasy how a smiling clown with no dialogue can make u feel.
also the gore in the film is badass.
PLUS !!! The sequel came out this month on the 6th and theirs been reports of people passing out so i would definitely watch the first one and go watch the 2nd one in theaters!

Don B - My favorite spooky movie would have to be the original Blair witch project , I remember watching it when I was young and being so freaked out because of the way it was shot made it seem so real. One of my top favorite scary movies for sure!

Grimytori - The Original Texas chainsaw massacre 🤞🖤🖤🖤 it’s the blueprint for so many horror movies that come after it,and it still holds up so well today. Hauntingly beautiful.

Earthhtoness - Hocus pocus has always been a family favorite of mine.
Freddy kougar is my favorite scary movie because it was terrify me as a kid.

Cybelle Arts - Hmm my mind goes to the old Hocus Pocus movie or those Scream movies. Those paranormal movies or Anabelle. I like them because of the supernatural aspect. The sound design in scary movies is great too.

Common Girl - I would recommend the ring just because it makes me feel very eerie and it always scares me that i might end up pulling hair out of my mouth too like in the movie

Frida - hmmmm id say Guillermo del Toro's El Orfanato The Orphanage, its the first movie to have truly scared me in my life , i remember not being able to sleep from how afraid i was and feeling sweat dripping down my face watching it now it maybe wouldn't scare me as much as it did when i was younger but i remember that pure fear fondly.
I'll be posting my own recommendations later, but for now this is one
The wailing