Armadillo, Armadillo
I remember when the EP released, I remember the first track I listened to was Buzzcut. When that drop happens "when I know you won't pick up" and the dial up tone begins to play. I just waited for the release and we were given Suburban Prodigy in 2023, 5 tracks. I think my favorite is Richmond, due to the memory attached to it. I don't think she'd read this. I was helping her pack up her storage unit, packing up both our cars. We were driving together when this song began to play. "You're the one I want/You got me blooming like a flower/You're the one I want/You got me wanting you forever." Taking a glace at her side profile, was everything. A soundtrack moment, to that specific moment.

My 2nd encounter with the band was when I was asked by Palo Santos Prints to put together a show together for their 5th year anniversary. I knew exactly the line up I wanted and that included Armadillo. This was their first show! I wish I captured more moments of it, but whenever I look at the flyer, it all comes back to me.

Here's a little intro to my experiences with Armadillo
This is Alex from A-R-M-A-D-I-L-L-O (I sure I spelled it right lol)
with his band mates assisting at the upcoming show is: Bruce (bassist) Yan (drummer) and Carlos (Lead guitarist)

Here's a little on what Alex has been enjoying as of recently as he says "I've actually been enjoying a Lot of King Krule, Stevie Wonder, Roy Blair, Kaz Moon, omg so many other artists haha." DUDE! The new Roy Blair FUCKING GOOD! I've had that on repeat along with Mika's Laundry by Matt Champion. Great stuff as he continues by saying "I've been reading a lot more which is pretty awesome and a bit of a challenge to be honest. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and I bounce off the walls man. Oh and as of late motorcycling has been so satisfying for kid me!" Reading is as they say...power ahhh but yeah I've been reading too.

Alex gives out a few shout outs as well "I'd love to shout out with so much enthusiasm: Bruce/Bryan who has been an amazing help to me in both
bass and camerawork and overall an important friend. Another shout out would have to go out to another: Bryan (Weston) for all the incredible work he has done designing graphics for me, being an amazing person to work with, being authentic and true to all the work he does. He's a true gem." Love Bryan (Weston) <3

We begin the interview by asking Alex if he could tell us a bit about himself, his craft, and what he puts out through the music as he says "Uhh I'm chill, I'm pretty vibes, A big recluse I'd say, but I'm not introverted. I love talking to people, hearing about their day and perspectives, helps me be a bit more aware of my own life, philosophy and navigating feelings. On my craft, I'm a big believer on DO IT YOURSELF, most of the EP if not all of it was done by me with the exception of bass on certain songs. I produced all the drums, piano, guitars backups. I'm not good at any particular instrument but I think where I shine is being able to bring everything together to make a song. I take pride in that and use these songs to vent out/feel out things i'm going through." I terms of "vent out" I do catch myself playing Buzzcut and singing along to it on my drives sometimes or I switch it up with Richmond. Each one is very dependent on my mood or what I'm thinking about. Just learning that Alex produced the "drums, piano, guitars backups" is wild especially when I imagine a whole band behind it. That's pretty neat, especially when considering today's software/tech when it comes to creating music or just being able to play so many instruments! Just wow! I only dream of ever playing the cat piano because it's cute.

If you could create a WORD or two to describe your EP what would it be and why? This isn't in a "genre" speaking sense, but what would YOU label your sound, your craft, your EP as he ponders before responding with "A wordddd to describe my songs haha, thats super tough. Maybe.... Authentic ? Which sounds super corny, I know, but I'm not trying to do anything that doesn't feel me and I believe what
I write is somewhat similar to my journal. At times ugly, dramatic and sad. If anything else to be fun lets say... Denim. Versatile, rugged, worn in. denim can be dramatic or casual." Hmmm let's see, what word or words can I think of here. Suburban Streets? The cracks, fresh paints, faded and put on once again. drives, sometimes left untreated. That's the first thing that came to mind. The drama within the songs, the emotions, and the memories each road holds and leads to. What do you think?

For those who have not listened to Suburban Prodigy, what could you tell us about the EP itself? When did the album first begin and how has it been putting it together? What are your overall thoughts of the EP as Alex shares "for those who haven't listened to it - Go listen to it! While I tend to dislike everything I do, i'll give myself a pat on the back for making a solid piece of work alone from my bedroom. The songs are fun and maybe you can find some relatable lines to sing along to."
Yeah :fist emoji: go listen to it!
Is there anything about yourself that you'd say is a part of the EP? Are you a...romantic by chance? Due to the songs involving another person by what I've listened to. Especially this sense of longing. Almost rather one-sided :( as Alex says
"Honestly, alot of me is inside of this EP haha. Feelings of hopelessness, my longing
for closure and my dramatized hints of death that stem from inconveniences lol. You could say I'm a romantic, a lot of lines were constructed from memories of arguments, I like to write in a conversational approach." We the same in terms of "conversational" approaches. I haven't shared too much about myself or my personal work, but I do create poetry. It stems from memories, memories, memories, and _e_. Creating my own closure, keeping my treasures within encapsulated words. For experiences are worth having even if it's a break up, even if it's a bad day for there's a new tomorrow to be had. Something we look back onto is the beauty of living. I mean within my poetry I find it relatable when Alex mentions "memories of arguments" when I thought back on my memories of "touch." We have our topics, our core source as it seems. This EP touches on what I enjoy most. Longing and a memory.
Suburban Prodigy was released in 2023, but since this has been released...has there been any new works in progress? What can we expect? "Yesss SP is from 2023, after ruts i dug myself out of, shitty 9 - 5 jobs and reassessments of life, I've come to realize that I am a musician and this is what im gonna do for as long as I live. With all that being said, I will be releasing a couple singles that were made in the span of these realizations. One in particular is a Christmas gift that you guys will be hearing veryyyy soon." Christmas was recently banned in this house, so this is something I'd be looking forward to lol

What have been your favorite moments in creating this EP?
"My favorite moments during the EP was when I was mulling over what kind of flow I should have done for Buzzcut, specifically where I sing the word 'buzzcut' and then being like 'yooooo thats catchy af' then jamming out to the wavefile like 50 times on repeat lmao" That's like when you post something fire on your Instagram stories and you gotta go back and look at it. Hell yeah!

Are you excited for the UPCOMING SHOW!?
"Of course I'm excited !!! I'm nervous as well but more than anything so ecstatic about all the friends who want to see me and being able to put on a good show for everyone. Plus opening for a big name always brings a feeling of importance as well." I work friday....but that's not stopping me from pulling up after!
I hope I make in time. I get out at 9pm :sob:
What can you envision when you listen to the songs? "For me my visions of my songs are really just memories haha but I am so happy that you could
see the places and people (this relates to the story that I shared at the beginning) since my overall attempt was to be able to put the listener in the same conversations I had that led to these lyrics. Take it back being so simple but so powerful I feel in conveying that feeling of being in an uphill battle with a loved one - which is something almost everyone has experienced."
Any final comments? "My final comments are: If you've given me a listen, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart I'm only just beginning, and I would love you guys to come along for the ride and experience all the things I do through music. Forever grateful to you ram for giving my first show and interview. I will always make music and will always be here for everyone."