This week we have Kat Arcana @katarcana a tattoo artist from Heart of Gold! She uses tattooing to not only express herself, but to bring out her interests as she mentions "nerdy stuff, creepy-cute stuff, and everything in between." Kat Arcana will glady tattoo on you mythical creatures to what could be found inside an "alchemy book." Let's begin!

Kat shares a little bit about what she's been up to recently?
"Recently, I’ve been getting back into gaming again. I just played through Pokémon Violet and have started occasionally streaming on Twitch." I've actually never "beat" a Pokémon game. I got to the elite four on leaf green and emerald in middle school, but never beat them and I did the story for X, but didn't fight the elite four because uh I felt like I didn't have to lol.
Kat continues by mentioning a couple of shout outs
"I want to shout out my boss and coworker Javi Luna at Heart of Gold. Also wanted to name some other great shops around the RGV: Lionheart Tattoo, Ceremony Tattoo, Nuketown Tattoo, and Wild Wolf Tattoo Studio. We have so many great artists around the valley."

Who is Kat? What could you tell us about yourself and about your work?
"I’m primarily a tattoo artist, but I love traditional art as well. I’ve been working as a tattoo artist for a little over two years. I went to college for art, but ended up as a high school English teacher for 8 years. When the pandemic hit, I was able to work from home and begin my apprenticeship. My work combines folklore, art history, mythology, and a bunch of my childhood interests. I love nerdy stuff, creepy-cute stuff, and everything in between." Looking at the flash sheets and the tattoos done on your page I can see the "mythology", "nerdy stuff", and "childhood interests." For example the Over The Garden Wall flash to the Cryptids flash varying from aliens, big foot, and the adorable loch ness monster which is also neat! It's cool to know that Kat went from teaching to the apprenticeship leading to where she is now at Heart of Gold. Quick add on...I came to this because I just saw the dinosaur flash and I love it so much!

What got Kat interested in the idea of tattooing?
"When I was 17, I visited a friend who was apprenticing in a local shop. I was blown away by the environment, the punk music blasting, and the clients talking and laughing with the artists. My exact thought was- I could do this as a JOB?! I’d wanted to do this ever since." There's always something else out there just the way Kat was able to get her apprenticeship. I wonder if she ever looks back at the moment when she entered the shop to realizing that she's actually working at a tattoo shop! I continue by asking what is it about tattoos she finds interesting? "It’s a way to connect with people, leave an impact, and have a great time." It's cool how tattoo artists leave their art on people and then the client walks out that door with their art on them. The reason why they chose the piece from the flash sheet for example maybe they connected with or just found it cool. I don't have tattoos, but I have multiple prints in my room, by multiple artists. So their art cover my walls just as Kat and other tattoo artist do the same, but on their clients.

Kat mentioned to me that they were an apprentice before. Do you mind sharing the process behind an apprenticeship and how it works?
"An apprenticeship is basically a training ground for becoming a full-time tattoo artist. Your mentor(s) guide you through everything you need to know to work in the industry. However, before looking for an apprenticeship at any shop, be ready to work hard. Expect to put in hard work every day. You will need to have a background in art and be willing to learn to draw in a tattoo-friendly style. Have apprenticeship questions? Feel free to message me for advice!" Hmmmm as Kat says "tattoo-friendly style" I wonder what that means. Maybe means starting with something "traditional" while working on their own style as they proceed with their training.

What could you tell us about your style when it comes to your work? Is there something about yourself that you implement into your designs?
"My style is primarily focused on woodcut/ engraving tattoos. I love the idea that my tattoos could be found in an ancient alchemy book or some old medieval poetry. I'm a huge nerd with a passion for very old art. However, I’m also into late 90s/ early 2000s references, so I’m all over the place!" Would there be a way to mesh the two? Early 90s/early 2000s references with what she mentioned along the lines of "ancient" to "medieval." I mean the loch ness monster reminds me of a beanie baby which is cute! That brings it back to the early 90s/early 2000s combination with Kat's mythology interest. The Death-Rebirth flash could be an example of "the idea that my tattoos could be found in an ancient alchemy book or some old medieval poetry." I can for sure even see the vulture skull with the flowers next to a ancient alchemy book.

How was it starting out tattooing compared to how you are now as a tattooist?
"I was a very slow learner at the beginning. I was teaching full-time while trying to be an apprentice. I wouldn’t recommend that! I quit teaching last year so I could focus on tattooing 100% and that made such a huge difference." How has your journey been? "This year, I’ve seen a lot of growth in my artistic and professional skills. I’m so thankful for all the amazing people who have helped me along the way." Teaching and trying to be an apprentice at the same time!? Making lesson plans, grading papers, and everything that comes with being a teacher just sounds like it was packed! Kat made the decision to quit teaching to go for tattooing to which she is able to express herself creatively and live the moment of when she visited the tattoo shop at 17, but now it's more than just a visit. Congrats Kat!"

What's the process when creating the theme for a flash sheet?
"Most of my flash designs are based on whatever I’m most into at the moment. Maybe I saw a great movie or listened to some favorite music or had a fun conversation with friends. My most recent flash page came from a redesign of an old tattoo I did early in my apprenticeship." Do you have any ideas you plan on releasing for the next one? "The next flash sheet I’m planning is most likely going to be astrology-themed." Looking forward to seeing how that astrology-themed flash comes out!

Do you have a favorite flash sheet or design you've created? If so, which one?
"It’s so funny, but my favorite flash sheet is always the newest one I create! I’m always growing in my art and my drawings are slowly getting closer to how I want them to look. However, a design I always love is the all-seeing eye. I’m always happy doing that tattoo." Looking from the beginning of the page to the most recent post. Looking at the tattoos and the flash sheet yeah it would be difficult to pick just one! I can understand by what Kat mentioned "my favorite flash sheet is always the newest one I create" as she mentioned earlier "Most of my flash designs are based on whatever I’m most into at the moment...Maybe I saw a great movie or listened to some favorite music or had a fun conversation with friends." Going through the page I find myself stopping and just thinking "this is cute" or "this goes hard" and I can't pick a favorite myself!

Any advice for someone who's interested in getting a tattoo, but is rather shy or on the fence about getting one? "Just go for it! So often, it’s easy to overthink these things. When you have an idea of something you’d like, message an artist and ask them for a tattoo! Extra points if you give them a loose idea, a deposit, and artistic freedom. You’ll be glad you did!" I almost got one months ago, but I backed out days prior, but maybe one day! I think about that cowboy hat wearing Garfield or the barking dog tattoo both by @kewpiekatt
I know it wouldn't take very long, but something is just holding me back. Maybe I'm just overthinking it and now I feel like I lost my chance at it even tho the tattoo opportunity is still there. Don't make the same mistake I made. If you're thinking about a tattoo just follow Kat's advice "Just go for it! So often, it’s easy to overthink these things."

How do you wish to grow as a tattoo artist?
"I want to explore more portraits, more realistic tattoos, and do larger-scale woodcut work. I’d love to work on full sleeves or bigger pieces. Mostly, I want to improve on my favorite styles and be the best I can be." Such enthusiasm when it comes to experimentation! Love that. In due time as they have made progress this past year as they mentioned who knows what's in store for them this year. May it be filled with "more portraits, more realistic tattoos, and do larger-scale woodcut work."

How do you feel when you see a tattoo you did on someone out in the public?
"I always want to go say hi if I see my tattoos in the wild! Feel free to say hi to me! I’ll always be happy to see my work on folks." How exciting it must be to see ones art out in public! From artists seeing their stickers on cars to tattoo artists seeing their tattoos on their clients out in public.

What are your thoughts on as a tattooist creating your art/flash sheets and someone getting one of the tattoos basically "creating" a walking art canvas?
"I love it! I love seeing my art on people! I’m so thankful that I’ve had the good fortune of clients sticking with me from the very beginning. It’s been so fun to watch my art progress and get to see the same people year after year." It must also be nice to have the same client come back for ANOTHER tattoo which I'm pretty sure Kat has experienced, but I wonder how it must have felt the first time it happened.

Kat shares their thoughts on the local valley scene,
The RGV is full of amazing and very under-appreciated talent. Some people think they need to go up to larger cities or out of state for a great tattoo, but that’s totally not the case! I can guarantee valley artists can accomplish any art style. If you’re looking for my style, definitely hit me up!
Any final comments?
Thanks for the opportunity to do this interview! I’m so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been given in tattooing and I’m so happy to get to share my work here!