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Writer: outinthe956outinthe956

I've met Frida a couple of times. I believe the day we met was at one of the Una Noche De Ensenar events that we held at the Trucha Office. We met again at another event on how to apply for open calls. I haven't done interviews in a minute, but it led me to ask if she'd be interested in doing an interview over her artwork. I've seen her work and I noticed she's also an illustrator for Trucha as well which is pretty cool.

Before we begin here's what Frida has been enjoying as of recently as she says "podcasts.  Since I can listen while I work I feel like I’ve logged a worrying amount of hours. My favorites these days have been Smosh Mouth, This is Actually Happening, and Upstairs Neighbors." I used to listen to podcast, but I get so into them I forget what I was doing so I can't multi-task with podcasts on. She continues by giving out a few shout outs "Yes shout out @Lati_Khuff and on instagram! Aside from both being talented artists that I respect, they are amazing at shining a light on others and their work."

Now here's the interview Frida @fristudios

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your art style. Would you say that your interests/personality fit go into your art style? "Growing up I was really into stories and characters. I loved fan art and seeing people make up their own original characters in the process. This very much influenced my art style, I feel like I was more so influenced by artists online than historical figures if that makes sense. I’m not sure if it shows in my art but I hope to depict people and scenes that are interesting to look at, or tells a story." Yeah I can totally understand being influenced by folks online rather than a historical figure. I mean I don't follow standard journalistic guidelines or rules? Since my style is more conversational. Especially when it comes to art. While I did do a few art classes, I can name MORE online artists than artists learned via art history 101. I remember the piece you showed at Una Noche De Ensenar for example, that told a story and folks were able to depict it. I'll plug in the piece right below this so y'all may see it.  

Do you have a favorite piece you've created? If so which one and why?

"My favorite piece is my most recent illustration (Hijab Ocean). I realize I hadn’t been drawing people with hijabs so it was a needed exercise. I ended up with a really fun whimsical scene, which made me happy because I wanted to capture a sort of storybook feel." Looking at it and reading "storybook feel" it does feel like a cover of a story and that I could just flip through its pages filled with waves.  

How did you come about to become a trucha illustrator? If anyone is interested in how this works what could you say? "I had seen their call for illustrators on instagram and followed the instructions to email my portfolio. After you send your portfolio you’re put into their pool of illustrators, and can be contacted for work."

I read your salmon comic and I enjoyed it tremendously. Comics are such a wonderful way to tell a story, one of the many ways. The last comic was in 2023? How's the process for you behind one of these? If you made another comic, what would the topic be about?  (Just saw you made a mini comic recently)

"Thank you! I really like making them but they require some writing so I feel like it takes some more work. If I get inspired and want to tell a story or a message, I start by creating a basic outline, beginning middle and end. After I figure out the basic skeleton of the comic I’ll go in and write it properly, and then do a rough story board. Once I figure out the illustrations i just put it all together. 

If I made another one I think I would want it to be light hearted, maybe something silly about daily life, like the mini comic I made recently but more fleshed out." Man I love little comics, especially the silly 2-4 comic slides I see online. Silly, light hearted and cute. Even when the comics don't have words or have only 5 words used in total. I'm sure the process is still long. I remember at a zine making working @es.pep literally made a comic within an hour and it was funny. It was one of their childhood memories of driving by a cemetery with their family. I wish I had a copy of it.

From comics, digital art, illustrations, the zodiac collections, the portraits! These are all like various series collections. If you have to make another type of series what would it be? "I really want to do more graphic design! I do a lot of graphic design for work so I never want to do it in my free time, which is unfortunate. I really like type design so I maybe I can do something with it soon." Oh yeah I feel that. It's like when you do one thing for work, but that thing for work is kinda what you personally do for fun's a whole different feeling. I'd say fuck it and just pitch out a call for commission work or ask friends if they need any graphics just for fun y'know. Just because we do "graphic design" for work doesn't mean we cut it off from our enjoyment, just finding a different way to approach it may help.

How do you wish to grow with your art?

"I hope I can grow in a way that allows me to help others. I feel like I’m constantly looking for tips or tutorials, constantly learning. It would be nice to be able to be that help for someone else, to be confident in my own skills." Well you are involved with Trucha and you are an artist. Maybe a collaborative workshop on graphic design. Folks who are interested in making comics or graphic design. You could create a little assignment and work on it together for a few hours (2hrs) to show folks about graphic designing. Just an idea.

Are you currently working on anything right now that you could tell us about? 

"I’m working on some illustrations where I explore feminine people and the way they express themselves or their culture through their hair/how they wear their hair. Hijab Ocean really inspired me, I kept having more ideas that I’m hyped to bring to life." Oh okay is this the favorite piece you mentioned earlier? I believe so.

What are your thoughts on the local valley art scene?

"It’s really encouraging to see, there are so many talented people down here. I have been met with kindness and help whenever I seek it out. It makes me feel like there’s an endless source of support, inspiration, and creativity in the valley. It’s also just an awesome scene to meet cool people."

Any final comments you'd like to make?

Thank you for shining a light on local artists in the valley! I’ve discovered a lot of amazing people through your page. It’s people like you that make the art scene a really rewarding place to be.



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